Home > General Market Thoughts > Quick Update November 29th, 2010

Quick Update November 29th, 2010


Dearest Spammerz:

How stupid can you be? Haven’t you figured it out by now? You even have a wordpress blog so you know the levels you have to get through before your spams can post. It’s so funny. I can’t help myself from laughing at you each time you try to post a message.

But, hey, whatever!



$VIX blew through upper BB so market just got oversold and reacted.

Cumulative $NYUD and $NAUD putting in higher lows and forming an uptrend, of sorts. Don’t read too much into this until we start to get some strong green days.

Cumulative $NYAD and $NAAD same as above.

$NYMO and $NAMO same as above.

Financials rallied today and spared the market a serious drop, but can they rally for two days in a row?

  1. TY
    November 29, 2010 at 7:22 pm

    the last few days there has been a difference btw. the spy and $spx , does this mean anything?tia

  2. Owsley
    November 29, 2010 at 8:07 pm

    Ty, no idea. There is also a discrepancy in the price of the $SPX cash and the ES which may be a result of the 5pt drop in the ES after the market close on Friday.

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